Organic Chemistry Days
29 > 31 October 2025
École Polytechnique
Palaiseau, France
Société Chimique de France – French Chemical Society
Welcome to the JCO
The JCO are organized every 3 years by the Organic Chemistry Division committee. They aim at being a great science-sharing time, which gathers organic chemists from all over the world.
This year, the meeting will include 8 plenary lectures and 9 invited lectures given by French and foreign researchers, from both academic and industrial backgrounds and will also highlight awardees of the DCO prizes.
Numerous oral communications are opened to young researchers, in various areas, such as:
New methods in organic synthesis
Total synthesis of natural products
Sustainable chemistry
Medicinal chemistry
Bioorganic chemistry
Supramolecular chemistry
Chemistry of the origins
Applications in materials and energy
Two poster sessions will also be organized. We encourage a maximum of attendees to present a poster, including those who will be selected for an oral communication.
We are also committed to bring forward the role and values of the Société Chimique de France and we wish to encourage the French community to become members. For this reason, we have established special rates for members of the SCF.
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Program of the event
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Book your place for the event.
Submit an abstract
And present a communication at JCO 2025
Become members of the Société Chimique de France
We wish to encourage the French community of chemists to become members of the Société Chimique de France, and we therefore offer special rates for members of the SCF. The mission of the Société Chimique de France is to structure, lead and embody the network of individuals and legal entities involved in the chemical sciences and their development.